Funding at a glance

Amount: £160,456.50
Approved: 2015
Status: Funding complete

Locality (funding complete)

Locality was funded by the Nationwide Foundation to provide tailored business support and grants to early-stage affordable community-led housing projects. The projects were located in deprived urban areas in England facing homelessness and affordability issues.

The Locality Community-Led Housing Early Stage Support programme championed approaches to community-led housing by selecting small community groups from across England to be supported through the start-up and pre-development stages of their projects.

The community groups received peer support and mentoring from Locality’s network of community-led housing members, who helped the groups scope out their community-led housing ideas, assessed their needs and options and used the expertise of those already operating similar projects.

As a result of the guidance they received, the groups from Early Stage Support Programme have gone on to develop affordable community-led housing schemes for those facing disadvantages, including inner city communities, young people, older people, LGBT communities and people with learning disabilities. Affordable homes will be developed in high value rural areas and as well as by refurbishing properties in areas suffering from low value, abandonment and neighbourhood issues.

Examples of the success of the Early Stage Support programme include:

Locality is a registered charity with a membership base of over 500 community groups in England. Its overarching aim is to assist groups to improve their own neighbourhoods in a sustainable way and to take more control of the issues that affect local people, particularly those in need.

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