Author Archives: Sam Dordoy

New fund launches to give house-building power back to local people

A new housing fund has launched, aiming to empower community groups, enabling them to plan...

Blog: Collaboration, not command, is the key to success in place-based funding

“My attendance at these meetings is neither a box-ticking exercise or a chance for some...

£600k boost for vulnerable private renters in Greater Manchester

A new test and learn fund, part of Greater Manchester’s Fair Housing Futures project, has...

New short film highlights affordability problems in housing

A new animation, launched by the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE) and the...

Blog: Research, not gut-feelings, can change our broken housing system

“As funders we know that while we have gut feelings based on anecdotes and personal...

Co-living for older people – reduced loneliness and lower living costs

A new report from the Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research, funded by the...

Improved mental wellbeing and a better quality of life – new research reveals the benefits of living in co-operative or community-led housing

New research released by Wales Co-operative Centre, with support from the Nationwide Foundation, has found...

New £1m programme to support co-operative and community-led homes in Wales

The Wales Co-operative Centre has been awarded three years funding, totalling £1 million, to support...

Over £800,000 funding gives private tenants a stronger voice about their housing

Tenants should be a central part of any changes to the private rented sector, yet...

New study of the Scottish private rented sector

The Nationwide Foundation has commissioned a three-year study that will learn from the experiences of...