Changing Lives (funding complete)

Funding at a glance

Amount: £127,500 in 2013 and £40,000 in 2014
Approved: 2013
Status: Funding complete

Funding from the Nationwide Foundation was used by Changing Lives’ Homelife project to help bring 19 empty properties back into use as affordable homes for vulnerable people and their families in the north-east of England.

The homes are for people who have been homeless or have experienced problems such as addiction and abuse and who are now ready to move on into independent living and employment. In some cases, the tenants were engaged by Changing Lives on apprenticeships or training, allowing them to gain construction and DIY skills, and at the same time progressing the renovation of the properties. Changing Lives supports the tenants as they adjust to their new homes and ensures tenancies are successfully maintained.

Changing Lives received two grants from the Nationwide Foundation to contribute to bringing back into use a total of 19 empty properties which have been completed: £127,600 was awarded in 2013 and a £40,000 in 2014.

Case studies of tenants housed through the Nationwide Foundation’s funding

  • An ex-serviceman, suffering from injury and post-traumatic stress disorder, was referred to Changing Lives by the Royal British Legion. He was living in run-down accommodation and this was badly affecting his confidence and creating feelings of worthlessness. Changing Lives housed him in a newly refurbished former empty property and since then his physical and mental health is much improved, and he is gaining in confidence. He has begun volunteering with Changing Lives to gain more employability skills. He is also working with another charity which helps veterans who are in similar situations.
  • A woman in her forties was living in a hostel after fleeing domestic abuse. She was referred to Changing Lives as she was struggling to get a job and couldn’t support herself and her teenage son. Changing Lives secured her a work placement at a department store and also housed her in a refurbished former empty property. Since moving into her new home, her work placement has become a permanent paid role and she and her son now have a much more stable future.

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