Canopy Housing, Leeds (funding complete)

Funding at a glance

Amount: £160,000 grant
Approved: 2016
Status: Funding complete

Canopy Housing tackles the problem of homelessness in Leeds by bringing long-term empty properties into use as affordable homes for those in housing need, as well as offering volunteering opportunities for marginalised local people.

Funding from the Nationwide Foundation is contributing towards the refurbishment of 10 properties which house families that were living in hostels, temporary accommodation or over-crowded housing.

The project uses Canopy’s self-help model where future tenants participate in the renovation work, helping to make decisions and choose décor, therefore promoting a sense of ownership and commitment to the homes, as well as gaining practical skills, which combine to minimise future problems with the tenancy. Canopy Housing also provides ongoing tenancy support once the new residents move in.

The Nationwide Foundation’s grant is contributing towards the refurbishment and salaries.

Canopy Housing previously received funding from the Nationwide Foundation in 2013. More information about the previous grant.

More about Canopy Housing at

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