Nationwide Foundation

Funded by Nationwide Building Society, we’re an independent charity that aims to improve the lives of those most in need in the UK through our grant-making and influencing work.

We take a systemic approach and focus on tackling the root causes of social issues, seeking not only to benefit people now but leave a lasting legacy that supports people far into the future.

Our strategy has evolved and changed significantly in the decades since our founding, but our current focus is on housing and making the housing system work for all. Our work is shaped by our Decent Affordable Homes strategy, whose vision is for everyone who needs it to have access to a safe, secure home.

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We’re champions of pioneering ideas to change the housing system, we’re at the forefront of work to further community-led housing in the UK, and we’re working hard to transform the private rented sector.

To keep up-to-date with our latest research and insights, subscribe to our emails.


Latest news and views

Our vision is for everyone in the UK to have access to a decent home that they can afford

We work to change the housing system through our three programmes

Nurturing Ideas to Change the Housing System

Backing Community-Led Housing

Transforming the Private Rented Sector


A new government is in place and rental reform is back on the agenda, as Labour pledge to reform the private rented sector and end no-fault evictions. While this progress is welcomed, it’s crucial the legislation is done in the right way to deliver meaningful change for renters.

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